News Update
MBM Alumni Association Schedules 6th Executive Committee Meeting

The MBM Engineering College Alumni Association has announced the 6th Executive Committee Meeting for the 2023-25 term. The meeting is scheduled to take place on Sunday, July 21, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Members can attend the meeting in person at the Alumni Building on V.G. Grade Marg, Jodhpur, or join virtually through an e-platform.

The meeting will be presided over by Dr. Sushil Bhandari, President of the association, and will feature several important agenda items aimed at enhancing the functioning and governance of the association.

Agenda Highlights:

1. Meeting Called to Order – Led by the President.
2. Prayer/Invocation – Participation by all members.
3. Address by the President – Delivered by Dr. Sushil Bhandari.
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the 5th ECM – Review and confirmation by the Secretary of minutes from the meeting held on June 30, 2024.
5. Considering Amendments in the Constitution – Discussion led by the Secretary on proposed amendments.
6. Consideration of Audited Accounts for FY 2023-24 – Presentation and review by the Treasurer.
7. Consideration of Budget for FY 2024-25 – Budget presentation by the Treasurer.
8. Any Other Item – Open floor for items with the President’s permission.

All executive committee members are urged to attend the meeting punctually and contribute productively with innovative suggestions. The meeting aims to address key issues and make decisions that will drive the association forward.

Virtual Meeting Link: [Join Video Call] (

(Er. Jai Singh Choudhary)
Honorary Secretary

The association looks forward to active participation from all members to ensure a successful and productive meeting.
(Pdf Notice Attachment to be there) 
